stage of economic growth中文什么意思

发音:   用"stage of economic growth"造句
  • stage:    n. 1.讲台;舞台;戏院,剧场;〔 ...
  • economic:    adj. 1.经济学的;经济(上)的 ...
  • growth:    n. 1.生长,成长,发育,发展。 ...
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  1. And because farming accounts for two - thirds of jobs in the poorest countries , it is the most important contributor to the early stages of economic growth
    而且因为务农占到这些最贫穷国家工作的2 / 3 ,这将是对经济增长初期阶段的最重要贡献。
  2. And because farming accounts for two - thirds of jobs in the poorest countries , it is the most important contributor to the early stages of economic growth
  3. After the reform the correlation between economic and investment fluctuations in stages of economic growth rise was poorer than in stages of fall ; while before the reform , the correlation both in stage of fall and rise were high
  4. At a more advanced stage of economic growth , competitiveness can be enhanced not by injection of cash into physical assets , but by technical innovation creativity , management restructuring and organizational improvements
  5. Relevant theories of classical economics include adam smith ’ s viewpoint about capital and harrod - domar growth model . relevant theories of development economics include r . nurkse ’ s theory of vicious circle of poverty , w . w . rostow ’ s theory of the stages of economic growth , lewis - fei - ranis model , and nalson ’ s theory of low - level equilibrium trap . financial theories on development include goldsmith ’ s theory of financial structure , and mckinnon & shaw ’ s theory of financial deepening


  1. stage of depletion 什么意思
  2. stage of development 什么意思
  3. stage of disability 什么意思
  4. stage of dissolution 什么意思
  5. stage of economic development 什么意思
  6. stage of enactive representation 什么意思
  7. stage of eschar separation 什么意思
  8. stage of exaltation 什么意思
  9. stage of excitation 什么意思
  10. stage of exhaustion 什么意思


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